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    Είναι ενδιαφέρον αυτό το θέμα συζήτησης στο Parents.org.gr; Μοιράσου το με μια φίλη ή έναν φίλο!

The mom song!!!!!!


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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Aπιστευτο πραγματικα και ξεκαρδιστικο!! :lol::lol: Ατελειωτο ψαλτηρι απο μαμα (θα μπορουσε να ειναι Ελληνιδα)!!


Παιδια τα σχολια δικα σας! Το ειδα το πρωι και κοντεψα να πεσω κατω απο την καρεκλα (υπαρχει υποτιτλισμος, δυστυχως μονο στα αγγλικα) Η γυναικα ειναι απαιχτη ειναι η ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΑ ΜΑΜΑ!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Εν τω μεταξυ εχει κι αυτο το απιστευτο, ατελειωτο στηθος και τον ελληνικης ...κοπης ποπο και αναρωτιεσαι: "Μα γιατι τα λεει στα αγγλικα; Αυτη δεν ειναι η κυρα ταδε η μανα του ταδε;" :lol::lol::lol:

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Get up now

Get up now

Get up out of bed

Wash your face

Brush your teeth

Comb your sleepy head

Here's your clothes

And your shoes

Hear the words I said

Get up now

Get up and make your bed

Are you hot?

Are you cold?

Are you wearing that?

Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at?

Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat

Don't forget you gotta feed the cat

Eat your breakfast

The experts tell us it's the most important meal of all

Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall

Please remember the orthodon'tist will be seeing you at three today?

Don't forget your piano lesson is this afternoon

So you must play

Don't shovel

Chew slowly

But hurry

The bus is here

Be careful

Come back here

Did you wash behind your ears?

Play outside

Don't play rough

Would you just play fair?

Be polite

Make a friend

Don't forget to share

Work it out

Wait your turn

Never take a dare

Get along

Don't make me come down there

Clean your room

Fold your clothes

Put your stuff away

Make your bed

Do it now

Do we have all day?

Were you born in a barn?

Would you like some hay

Can you even hear a word I say?

Answer the phone

Get Off the phone

Don't sit so close

Turn it down

No texting at the table

No more computer time tonight

Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up

Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home?

Saying thank you, please, excuse me

Makes you welcome everywhere you roam

You'll appreciate my wisdom

Someday when you're older and you're grown

Can't wait 'til you have a couple little children of your own

You'll thank me for the counsel I gave you so willingly

But right now

I thank you NOT to roll your eyes at me

Close your mouth when you chew

Would appreciate

Take a bite

Maybe two

Of the stuff you hate

Use your fork

Do not you burp

Or I'll set you straight

Eat the food I put upon your plate

Get an A, Get the door

Don't get smart with me

Get a Grip

Get in here I'll count to 3

Get a job

Get a life

Get a PhD

Get a dose of...

I don't care who started it

You're grounded until your 36

Get your story straight

And tell the truth for once for heaven's sake

And if all your friends jumped off a cliff

Would you jump too?

If I've said it once, I've said at least a thousand times before that

You're too old to act this way

It must be your father's DNA

Look at me when I am talking

Stand up straight when you walk

A place for everything

And everything must be in place

Stop crying or I'll give you something real to cry about


Brush your teeth

Wash your face

Get your PJs on

Get in bed

Get a hug

Say a prayer with Mom

Don't forget

I love you


And tomorrow we will do this all again because a mom's work never ends

You don't need the reason why





I said so

I said so

I said so

I said so

I'm the Mom

The mom

The mom

The mom

The mom




Για οσους δεν προλαβαινουν να διαβασουν τα απο κατω!!

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Καλε Jean, εβαλες photo!


Ειστε κουκλες! Φτου,φτου!!! :D


(Σε ειχα φανταστει καστανη)


Ω, ευχαριστω!!! (καστανη ειμαι...απλα, με το ξανθο, καμουφλαρω την εξυπναδα μου, για να μην προκαλω...καταλαβες; :wink: ) :lol:

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Είναι τέλειο!


Καλά αυτό το ''αν οι φίλοι σου έπεφταν από το γκρεμό θα έπεφτες και εσύ;'' είναι μέρος της παγκόσμιας πολιτισμικής κληρονομιάς τελικά!


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Ουφ αγχώθηκα μόνο που την άκουσα...΄

Πάντως πέρα για πέρα αληθινή και όντως μοιάζει απίστευτα με το πρότυπο της Ελληνίδας μητέρας.Δεν ήξερα οτι αυτό το πρότυπο υπάρχει και στο εξωτερικό.

Δώσ' μου τα χέρια σου να κρατήσω τη ζωή μου.Τάσος Λειβαδίτης.

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Καλά είσαι θηρίο, έκατσες και έγραψες όλους τους στίχους...

Και επίσης είσαι και κουκλάρα!!!

Φοβερό το βιντεάκι, πολύ γέλιο


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Καλά είσαι θηρίο, έκατσες και έγραψες όλους τους στίχους...

Και επίσης είσαι και κουκλάρα!!!

Φοβερό το βιντεάκι, πολύ γέλιο


1ον: copy paste απ' τον Γουγλη εκανα!

2ον: Ευχαριστω!

3ον: Χαιρομαι που σου αρεσε!

40ν: Που χανεσαι εσυ;

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