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Κι εμένα, αλλά το συγκεκριμένο δεν πιστεύω πως είναι και πολύ αξιόπιστο...

(Μα στη Σουμάτρα; Εγώ; Αποκλείεται!!!)

Πάρα πολύ ωραία είναι...για μία εβδομάδα ταξίδι...την έχεις δεί στην TV?

Χρήστο γιέ μου είσαι αυτός που με κρατά στην ζωή28895neov1jnyq0.gif

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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern USA South-West around the year 825. Your profession was that of a leader, major or captain.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your main task is to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!



οποια καταλαβε ας μου πει κ μενα :lol::lol:


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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern USA South-West around the year 825. Your profession was that of a leader, major or captain.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your main task is to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!

οποια καταλαβε ας μου πει κ μενα :lol::lol:


άντρας ήσουν...καπετάνιος..


Χρήστο γιέ μου είσαι αυτός που με κρατά στην ζωή28895neov1jnyq0.gif

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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Canada around the year 1675. Your profession was that of a seaman, cook or carpenter.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

The timid, lonely and self-confident people are everywhere, and your task is to overcome these tendencies in yourself and then to help other people.



Plaka exei :)...pantos emena mou tairaizei , nomizo etsi tha eimouna!

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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Central India around the year 850. Your profession was that of a map maker, astrologer, astronomer.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your main task is to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!



Μια χαρά!

Πάντως και τώρα καμιά φορά παράξενη με θεωρούν!

Ελίνα, μαμά του Θάνου-22/8/2003, της Εύας και της Χριστίνας (ομοζυγωτικά δίδυμα)-15/6/2006!


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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Africa around the year 525. Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion.


Do you remember now?



Βιβλιοθηκάριος η δικιά σου! :cool: Και σοφή! :cool: ΟΥΑΟΥ


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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern USA South-West around the year 825. Your profession was that of a leader, major or captain.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your main task is to make the world more beautiful. Physical and spiritual deserts are just waiting for your touch. Keep smiling!

οποια καταλαβε ας μου πει κ μενα :lol::lol:


άντρας ήσουν...καπετάνιος..





την ιδια σχεδον δουλ κανει κ ο μπαμπας μου λιμενικος :shock::D

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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Arctic around the year 1250. Your profession was that of a chemist, alchemist or poison manufacturer.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

You were a sane, practical person, a materialist with no spiritual consciousness. Your simple wisdom helped the weaker and the poor.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

You should develop your talent for love, happiness and enthusiasm and you should distribute these feelings to all people.


Do you remember now?

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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Spain around the year 1350. Your profession was that of a banker, usurer, moneylender or judge.


Γυναικα κ Σπανιολα???? Ολεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεε

1350-1973=623 χρονια (?) :shock:



Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

As a natural talent in psychology, you knew how to use your opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation.


.....ετσι ετσι........ :P:P



The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your task is to learn determination and persistency. Youd should not allow to let misfortunes take influence on your strong will


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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Japan around the year 1775. Your profession was that of a sailor or shoemaker.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to learn discretion and moderation and then to teach others to do the same. Your life will be happier if you help those who lack reasoning.


Do you remember now?

Όταν παίρνω...γεμίζουν τα χέρια μου. Όταν δίνω, γεμίζει η ψυχή μου...

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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Borneo around the year 1350. Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future

:) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion.


Do you remember now?

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Ιως ξερει καποια απο σας...


Πριν μερικα χρονια μια φιλη που τωρα

πια χαθηκαμε μου δανεισε ενα βιβλιο το οποιο ειχε γραψει ενας Αμερικανος ψυχαναλυτης. Βασικα αναφεροταν στις ψυχαναλυσεις που εκανε σε ασθενης του κ στα πορισματα που εβγαζε μεσω της υπνωσης. Μηπως το εχει διαβασει καποια κ θυμαται τον τιτλο??


Τέτοια βιβλία έγραφε ο πολύ γνωστός αμερικάνος παραψυχολόγος Edgar Cayce. Για ψάξτο λίγο...

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I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern West Africa around the year 1575. Your profession was that of a writer, dramatist or organiser of rituals.

(αυτό που λέμε μάγος της φυλής; :lol::lol::lol: )


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved. (η ιστορία της ζωής μου .... :roll: )


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to combat violence and disharmony in our world, to understand its roots and origins. All global problems have similar origins. (ναι οκ ξεκινάω απο Δευτέρα :lol: )


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Ιως ξερει καποια απο σας...


Πριν μερικα χρονια μια φιλη που τωρα

πια χαθηκαμε μου δανεισε ενα βιβλιο το οποιο ειχε γραψει ενας Αμερικανος ψυχαναλυτης. Βασικα αναφεροταν στις ψυχαναλυσεις που εκανε σε ασθενης του κ στα πορισματα που εβγαζε μεσω της υπνωσης. Μηπως το εχει διαβασει καποια κ θυμαται τον τιτλο??


Τέτοια βιβλία έγραφε ο πολύ γνωστός αμερικάνος παραψυχολόγος Edgar Cayce. Για ψάξτο λίγο...


Eυχαριστω παρα πολυ! Θα το ψαξω σημερα κιολας!

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Η προηγούμενη διάγνωση ζωής σας:


Δεν ξέρω πώς αισθάνεστε γι’ αυτό, αλλά ήσασταν γυναίκα στην τελευταία ενσάρκωσή σας Γεννηθήκατε κάπου στο έδαφος της σύγχρονης Σιβηρίας γύρω στο έτος 1425, Το επάγγελμά σας ήταν αυτό ενός αγρότη, ενός υφαντή ή ενός ράφτη.


Το συνοπτικό ψυχολογικό σχεδιάγραμμά σας στην προηγούμενη ζωή σας: Επιθυμούσατε πάντα να ταξιδεύετε και να ερευνάτε. Θα μπορούσατε να είστε ιδιωτικός αστυνομικός ή κατάσκοπος.


Το μάθημα που η τελευταία προηγούμενη ζωή σας έφερε στην παρούσα ενσάρκωσή σας: Εκπληρώνετε το μάθημά σας με τη βοήθεια των παλαιών λαών και των παιδιών. Ήρθατε σε αυτήν την ζωή να μάθετε να φροντίζετε για τους αδύνατους και ανίσχυρους. Θυμάστε τώρα;




Πειράζει που δεν κατέχω τίποτα ούτε από αγροτικές δουλειές, ούτε από ράψιμο; Μάλλον τα παιξα από την δουλειά και δεν θέλω ούτε να το σκέφτομαι :lol::lol:


Παρόλα αυτά ενώ ήμουν αγρότης θα μπορούσα να είμαι αστυνομικός ή spy. Ούτε στην προηγούμενη ζωή μου δεν κατάφερα να ασχοληθώ με κάτι που μ' αρέσει ΧΙΧΙΧΙ :D

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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern North Japan around the year 1775. Your profession was that of a sailor or shoemaker.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Such people are always involved with all new. You have always loved changes, especially in art, music, cooking.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to learn discretion and moderation and then to teach others to do the same. Your life will be happier if you help those who lack reasoning.


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Παιδιά καμία από Σιβηρία;;;;;


Κατά το 1425 κατά προτίμηση.


Υ.Γ. Αφού δεν ξέρω καμία από εσάς σ' αυτή την ζωή, μπορεί τουλάχιστον να σας έχω συναντήσει σε προηγούμενη :!::!::lol::lol:

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Πειράζει που δεν κατέχω τίποτα ούτε από αγροτικές δουλειές, ούτε από ράψιμο; Μάλλον τα παιξα από την δουλειά και δεν θέλω ούτε να το σκέφτομαι :lol::lol:


Παρόλα αυτά ενώ ήμουν αγρότης θα μπορούσα να είμαι αστυνομικός ή spy. Ούτε στην προηγούμενη ζωή μου δεν κατάφερα να ασχοληθώ με κάτι που μ' αρέσει ΧΙΧΙΧΙ :D

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Παιδιά καμία από Σιβηρία;;;;;


Κατά το 1425 κατά προτίμηση.


Υ.Γ. Αφού δεν ξέρω καμία από εσάς σ' αυτή την ζωή, μπορεί τουλάχιστον να σας έχω συναντήσει σε προηγούμενη :!::!::lol::lol:





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Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Ukraine around the year 1775. Your profession was that of a philosopher and thinker.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Timid, constrained, quiet person. You had creative talents, which waited until this life to be liberated. Sometimes your environment considered you strange.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

It always seemed to you that your perceptions of the world are somewhat different. Your lesson is to trust your intuition as your best guide in your present life.


Do you remember now?

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  • 3 εβδομάδες μετά...
Η προηγούμενη διάγνωση ζωής σας:


Δεν ξέρω πώς αισθάνεστε γι’ αυτό, αλλά ήσασταν γυναίκα στην τελευταία ενσάρκωσή σας Γεννηθήκατε κάπου στο έδαφος της σύγχρονης Σιβηρίας γύρω στο έτος 1425, Το επάγγελμά σας ήταν αυτό ενός αγρότη, ενός υφαντή ή ενός ράφτη.


Το συνοπτικό ψυχολογικό σχεδιάγραμμά σας στην προηγούμενη ζωή σας: Επιθυμούσατε πάντα να ταξιδεύετε και να ερευνάτε. Θα μπορούσατε να είστε ιδιωτικός αστυνομικός ή κατάσκοπος.


Το μάθημα που η τελευταία προηγούμενη ζωή σας έφερε στην παρούσα ενσάρκωσή σας: Εκπληρώνετε το μάθημά σας με τη βοήθεια των παλαιών λαών και των παιδιών. Ήρθατε σε αυτήν την ζωή να μάθετε να φροντίζετε για τους αδύνατους και ανίσχυρους. Θυμάστε τώρα;






Και μένα το ίδιο κείμενο βγάζει. Σιβηρία? Όχι άσχημα...Γι αυτό και αντέχω στο κρύο? Κληρονομιά από την προηγούμενη ζωή! :lol:

Grow up and get a life!

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  • 1 month later...

Your past life diagnosis:


I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern South Africa around the year 1575. Your profession was that of a writer, dramatist or organiser of rituals.


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Your lesson is to study, to practice and to use the wisdom that lies within the psychological sciences and in ancient manuscripts. With strong faith and hard work you will reach your real destiny in your present life.


Do you remember now?

κάτι μου έρχεται στο μυαλό τώρα που το σκέφτομαι... :roll: έχω και κάτι θολές εικόνες από τελετουργικά που οργανώναμε με την Ursa Major... :roll: είναι η αδελφή ψυχή μου!!! τι συγκίνηση!!! επιτέλους σε βρήκα!!! :D ......μου φαίνεται πως πρέπει να αλλάξω το νικ μου σε Ursa Minor για να θυμηθούμε τα παλιά... :wink::lol:

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  • 2 εβδομάδες μετά...

I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Phillippines around the year 1850. Your profession was that of a medic, surgeon or herbalist. :D


Your brief psychological profile in your past life:

Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control :wink: and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.


The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:

Magic is everywhere around you, even in the most usual, most ordinary situations. Your lesson is to understand this magic and to help other people to see it, too. You are a magician :shock:

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Λάβετε μέρος στην συζήτηση

Μπορείτε να δημοσιεύσετε το κείμενό σας τώρα και να ολοκληρώσετε την εγγραφή σας αργότερα. Εάν έχετε ήδη όνομα/λογαριασμό χρήστη, συνδεθείτε τώρα για να δημοσιεύσετε με το όνομα χρήστη σας.
Προσοχή: Η δημοσίευσή σας θα χρειαστεί να εγκριθεί από τους διαχειριστές πριν αναρτηθεί στο φόρουμ.

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