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Εμβόλιο κατά του καρκίνου της μήτρας


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Niki, πριν από 10 χρόνια περίπου όλοι οι γιατροί είχαν ενδοιασμούς. Τώρα όμως...δεν έχω ακούσει κάποιον να πει κάτι αρνητικό. Οι φόβοι για τις παρενέργειες είναι λένε σα να φοβάσαι να μπεις στο αεροπλάνο μή και πέσει.


Sofi, "κολάω" να γράφω για προσωπικές ιστορίες άλλων στο διαδίκτυο από την άλλη βέβαια δεν ακούγονται αλλιώς παρά μόνο μεταξύ γονιών. Ξέρω γω...ας πω έστω για τη μία περίπτωση παράλυσης (στη 2η δόση).

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Περισσότερες δημοσιεύσεις

Περισσότερες δημοσιεύσεις

  danel είπε:
Niki, πριν από 10 χρόνια περίπου όλοι οι γιατροί είχαν ενδοιασμούς. Τώρα όμως...δεν έχω ακούσει κάποιον να πει κάτι αρνητικό. Οι φόβοι για τις παρενέργειες είναι λένε σα να φοβάσαι να μπεις στο αεροπλάνο μή και πέσει.


Sofi, "κολάω" να γράφω για προσωπικές ιστορίες άλλων στο διαδίκτυο από την άλλη βέβαια δεν ακούγονται αλλιώς παρά μόνο μεταξύ γονιών. Ξέρω γω...ας πω έστω για τη μία περίπτωση παράλυσης (στη 2η δόση).



Δε μου το ειπε πριν 10 χρονια...η κουβεντα μαζι του πρεπει να εγινε πριν -4 χρονια.Τωρα αν κατι εχει αλλαξει δε το γνωριζω...δεν ξανασχοληθηκα με το θεμα οποτε μπορει να εχεις και δικιο.

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  Niki81 είπε:
Οταν ειχε ξεκινησει η ολη ιστορια με το εμβολιο και το ειχα συζητησει με τον τοτε γυναικολογο μου...μου ειχε πει...μην τυχον και πας και το κανεις...αυτο το πραγμα δεν ειναι τεσταρισμενο επαρκως...


Και ειναι και γνωστος γιατρος εξωσωματικος...συνεχως ενημερωνεται...νεος...εννοω οτι δε ειναι ο πενηνταρης γιατρος που μπορει να ειναι και λιγο κολλημενος σε παλιες θεωριες και συντηρητικος.


Αυτό που σου είπε ο γιατρός σου είναι λάθος, από την άποψη ότι για να πάρει έγκριση οποιοδήποτε εμβόλιο και να κυκλοφορήσει στην αγορά, πρέπει να περάσει από 4 στάδια μελετών και να εγκριθεί σε κάθε ένα από αυτά. Στο τελευταίο στάδιο (κι αυτό ισχύει για όλα τα φάρμακα) και αφού το φάρμακο κυκλοφορήσει, υπάρχει το λεγόμενο στάδιο της φαρμακοεπαγρύπνησης, το οποίο ισχύει για πάντα στην ουσία. Δεν είναι το ίδιο να εντοπίζεις παρενέργειες σε συνθήκες μελέτης, με ένα μικρό δείγμα, και το ίδιο να το χρησιμοποιούν εκατομμύρια κόσμου. Εκεί σαφώς θα έχεις κι ένα μεγαλύτερο δείγμα παρενεργειών. Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι μας κάνουν πειραματόζωα, όπως λένε πολλοί, αλλά ότι εκ των πραγμάτων δεν είναι το ίδιο να δίνεις ένα φάρμακο σε 1000 άτομα και το ίδιο σε 1.000.000.


Προφανώς ο γιατρός σου εννοούσε ότι είναι καινούριο εμβόλιο και δεν έχει ακόμη τόσα πολλά δεδομένα ασφάλειας όσο κάποιο άλλο που κυκλοφορεί περισσότερα χρόνια, αλλά αυτός δεν είναι αποτρεπτικός λόγος από μόνος του.

Time flies like the wind; fruit flies like bananas

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Gardasil mother speaks out: SANEVAX vaccine injury victim support line


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033736_Gardasil_vaccine_injuries.html#ixzz1mUfyv6X6








“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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Ενα πολυ ενδιαφερον αρθρο σχετικα με τον ιο και το αν οντως συνδεεται με τον καρκινο. Θα μεταφερω μερικα σημεια μονο, αξιζει αν το διαβασετε οσοι σκεφτεστε αν πρεπει να κανετε το εμβολιο η οχι.



Cancer of the cervix has been on a gradual upswing during the past 3 decades, now affecting some 13,000 American women, 4,000 of whom die. In the 1970s, herpes simplex virus was proposed as a possible cause, but that hypothesis was soon


So, once herpes was ruled impossible, the new population studies then proposed human papilloma virus as a cause of cervical cancer. The first problem is that there are over 100 strains of HPV, only 30 of which are even theoretically linked with cervical cancer. In addition, HPV is present in at least half the normal population, [345] almost never causing any disease or problems whatsoever. Indeed, HPV has never been proven as a pathogen for any disease.




Now in any cancer, weʼre talking about a normal cell that mutated and then began to make copies of itself, unchecked.


The creators of the HPV/ cancer myth are pretending that the HPV came along and attacked some normal cells and mutated those cells and caused them to begin replicating themselves out of control – cancer. And that this is happening on a mass scale even though we just discovered it. And worse, that a vaccine can neutralize that type of attack on normal cervix cells.


Scientifically, what theyʼre proposing is ludicrous.


Few scientists have a better grasp of the proposed virus/cancer model than Berkeleyʼs Peter Duesberg PhD. In his scholarly paper tracing the history of the HPV/ cervical cancer story, Duesberg explains why HPV is such an unlikely cause of any cancer:


“no set of viral genes is consistently present or expressed in human cervical cancers. … HPV does not replicate in the cancer cells.”


So if the mutated cervical cancer cells are not mutating because of abnormal viral genes being spliced into a normal cell, how else could HPV be causing this cancer? Duesberg again:


“the “hit-and-run” mechanism of viral carcinogenesis was proposed. It holds that neither the complete [virus], nor even a part of it, needs to be present in the tumor. Obviously, this is an unfalsifiable, but also an unprovable, hypothesis.”



All that has ever been shown is that HPV is sometimes present in cervical cancer tissue, but as we know itʼs also present in half the normal population.


There is a total lack of evidence that cervical cancer appears in women with HPV more often than in women without it. And yet this will be the focus of the vaccine: to pretend to eliminate this ubiquitous virus from the body.




The original phrase used by Merck to link HPV with cervical cancer was “there is a strong connection.” (


How that phrase got transformed to ʽis the cause ofʼ in the past two years is more a matter of marketing than of science.


The HPV vaccine had been in the Merck pipeline for years, finally getting FDA approval in 2006. Merckʼs HPV vaccine is called Gardasil. It has no competition.


Whatʼs in it? According to Merckʼs own data, the vaccine is made from “virus-like particles” from four strains of HPV: Types 5, 11, 16, and 18. With no clinical studies proving it, Type 16 and 18 are now cited by Merck in the Physicians Desk Reference as the cause of “over 70%” of cervical cancer cases.


The theory is that these virus-like particles will trigger the body to make antibodies that will be able to prevent the full-on natural strains of HPV from getting a foothold. For five years, anyway. Thatʼs what Merck is claiming.


The Merck insert for Gardasil makes this unproven flat statement: “HPV causes squamous cell cervical cancer.”


Weʼve already learned above that such is not the case.


The market that Merck decided on was 12 year old girls, the thinking being that since HPV is sexually transmissible, might as well get it at the start.


Now before we get too ebullient about this newest fad, letʼs consider objectively what weʼre being sold here.




With other vaccines for viral diseases, such as MMR, hepatitis B, and polio, what has never made sense scientifically is that the vaccines do not contain the original wild virus that occurs in nature and supposedly causes the disease. Instead the vaccine contains a manmade mutation of the natural virus that is then claimed to be able to confer immunity by triggering the body to produce antibodies to the original disease. So that was bad enough. But what theyʼre asking us to believe about HPV is going too far.


All physiology and immunology textbooks describe the triggering of immunoglobulin production as an extremely specific sequence, resulting in extremely specific antibodies. [167] They donʼt talk about cousins of viruses or particles from viruses able to trigger the precise antibodies to the virus itself. Such a claim is brand new. How could any real immunity come from vaccines like these, even if the viruses were the causative agents of disease?


The second enormous impediment to credibility is that the average age for cervical cancer is 50 years. ( Merck Manual p 1964 [260]) But the plan is to mandate Gardasil to 12 years olds. And the manufacturer is only claiming efficacy for 5 years. So using their own statistics, this makes the vaccine worthless in the long run, because by the time most females need immunity, it will have worn off long ago.


A risk factor in cervical cancer that has been clearly established is the lifetime number of sexual partners: the more partners, the more likely the disease. ([260] p 1964) So who has more, 12 year olds or 50 year olds? Even if the vaccine worked, statistically it should be given to women in their mid 40s. Why donʼt they do that? Hereʼs the reason:


The vaccineʼs “safety and efficacy not been evaluated over 26″ years of age.


Oh, OK. Well, guess we better give it to the young girls then…


Are there any side effects of this new vaccine? Here are some of those cited by the manufacturer:


* fever

* nausea

* pharyngitis

* dizziness


* upper respiratory infection

* gastroenteritis

* appendicitis


* bronchospasm


Physicians Desk Reference


Other side effects discovered later include loss of consciousness, loss of vision and seizures.


Thereʼs a bargain – real side effects in return for unreal immunity.




Can the vaccine itself cause cancer? Thatʼs a fair question – weʼre talking about a vaccine that theyʼre claiming prevents cancer by imitating a pathogen that itself causes cancer, right? So wouldnʼt we want to be fairly secure that this vaccine wouldnʼt cause cancer? Hereʼs what the manufacturer states:


Gardasil … “… not been evaluated for carcinogenicity or


impairment of fertility.”


Wonderful. They want to vaccinate all American 12 year olds with a vaccine for cancer and they donʼt even know for sure whether or not it causes cancer, or makes the recipients infertile. Yeah, sign my kid up for that one.


Curiously, the HPV vaccine is not recommended for pregnancy because of its effects on the fetus [1], but menarche is no problem…?

“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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HPV vaccines- ONE MORE GIRL - Documentary


One More Girl is a documentary filled with stories of anguish and travesty, futures destroyed, and families reduced to financial ruin by medical costs brought on by a supposedly safe vaccine, Gardasil. The vaccine is designed to prevent Human Papillomavirus (HPV).


LEARN MORE: http://kck.st/fWx2H1




Παρακολουθειστε το ντοκυμαντερ!

“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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Μηνυσεις κατα της εταιρείας που φτιαχνει το εμβολιο


Gardasil in court: drug's maker sued


A MELBOURNE woman who suffered an auto-immune and neurological attack after being injected with the cervical cancer drug Gardasil is leading a class action against its manufacturer.


And another seven Victorian women who are considering joining the court case against Gardasil manufacturer Merck, say they have suffered anaphylaxis and physical breakdowns as a result of the vaccine.


One attributed her miscarriage in her local supermarket to the injections.


Naomi Snell, 28, said her life was put on hold for more than two years after she lost the ability to walk, battled crippling back and neck pain, and suffered convulsions that started soon after her first injection in July 2008.


"I never attributed it to my vaccine so I went back for my second and third dose," Ms Snell said.


"My doctors said I was a case for Dr House. They were baffled.


"They did actually diagnose me with Multiple Sclerosis, but have since retracted that and said it was just a neurological reaction to the vaccine."


It wasn't until she read an article about a Sydney neurologist uncovering Gardasil as a potential cause of MS-like symptoms in other women that she made a timeline of her deterioration from reports from her doctors and physiotherapist.


The world's first cancer vaccine, created by former Australian of the Year Professor Ian Frazer, has been hailed as a wonder drug for protecting against 70 per cent of cervical cancers.

“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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Respected Medical Journal Disses Gardasil





The Annals of Medicine, a peer reviewed medical journal, recently published a startling article which questions whether HPV vaccine policy and evidence based medicine are, in fact, at odds.


The key messages published with this article are a scathing rebuttal to the vaccine industryʼs hollow claims of the safety and efficacy of Gardasil and Cervarix, the two HPV vaccines being relentlessly and aggressively pushed on our young adolescent girls and now even boys. In California, a new law stipulates that children as young as 12 can accept the HPV jab without parental consent!


In this eye opening article, authors Lucija Tomljenovic and Christopher A. Shaw, of the University of British Columbia, point out the following with regard to HPV vaccination (excerpt from the full article):


To date, the efficacy of HPV vaccines in preventing cervical cancer has not been demonstrated, while the vaccine risks remain to be fully evaluated.


Current worldwide HPV immunization practices with either of the two HPV vaccines (Gardasil or Cervarix) appear to be neither justified by long-term health benefits nor economically viable, nor is there any evidence that HPV vaccination (even if proven effective against cervical cancer) would reduce the rate of cervical cancer beyond what Pap screening has already achieved.


Cumulatively, the list of serious adverse reactions related to HPV vaccination includes deaths, convulsions, paraesthesia, paralysis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial palsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, anaphylaxis, autoimmune disorders, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, and cervical cancers!


Because the HPV vaccination program has global coverage, the long-term health of many women may be at risk against still unknown vaccine benefits.


The summary concludes by encouraging physicians to adopt a more rigorous evidence-based approach to their medical practice, in order to provide a balanced and objective evaluation for their patients of the true vaccine risks versus benefits rather than blindly adopting current vaccination policy.



Couldnʼt be any more clear, could it?


Those who get the HPV vaccine are hapless guinea pigs for the vaccine industry. Nothing beneficial has been proven with regard to the HPV vaccine and the risks have yet to be fully determined.


It would behoove wise parents to carefully examine studies such as this as our children are increasingly being targeted for financial exploitation by the vaccine industry with useless and dangerous shots such as Gardasil.



Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist



“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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HPV Vaccines for Boys?


On October 25, 2011, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that all 11 to 12-year-old boys get vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV). According to the CDC press release, “The HPV vaccine will afford protection against certain HPV-related conditions and cancers in males, and vaccination of males with HPV may also provide indirect protection of women by reducing transmission of HPV.”


First licensed in 2006, the HPV vaccination, branded as Gardasil or Cervarix, has previously been recommended only for girls. With this new recommendation, private insurers will be able to pay for the vaccine for boys. The vaccine is expensive, costing more than $300 for the three-shot series.


The HPV vaccine has been controversial for reasons other than its cost. Parents have been reluctant to give their pre-adolescent children a vaccine to protect them from sexually transmitted disease (STD).


The HPV vaccine for boys is also controversial because its benefits are not consistent. For example, Gardisil has been shown to prevent genital warts, but only in heterosexual men. Thereʼs no evidence that Gardisil protects homosexual men from genital warts. Similarly, Gardasil has been shown to prevent anal cancer precursors in homosexual men, however these precursors rarely progress to anal cancer in heterosexual men.


A further rationale for the male vaccine is that preventing genital warts in heterosexual men will help reduce infection in women. However, this is only so if the vaccine is efficacious for a very long time. Every vaccine has a duration of efficacy. According to the Immunization Action Coalition(IAC), the HPV vaccine lasts five years.



Diane Harper, MD

However, Diane Harper, MD, the leading international expert on HPV, says that HPV antibody titers in the blood are detectable for only two years after HPV vaccination. Regardless of whether HPV is efficacious for two or five years, a child will need an HPV booster before he or she becomes sexually active.

Even with a booster, the efficacy of the HPV vaccine is questionable. According to Harper, “The cost modeling data indicate that with 50% female vaccination, vaccinating up to 50% of boys will provide some protection for females if and only if Gardasil lasts for a lifetime of duration. This modeled prevention of disease in females by vaccinating males does not exist if Gardasil loses efficacy earlier than 20 years.” Currently less than 50% of girls have had one shot and each shot lasts just two to five years.


It will take decades for the US population to be protected by the HPV vaccine alone and we will not see a substantial decrease in cervical cancer from vaccines until 70% are fully vaccinated. Until we reach that level of HPV vaccine saturation, STD screening alone is at least as effective as STD screening with vaccines in preventing HPV infection.


Controversy over the HPV vaccine erupted in the press earlier this year when Michelle Bachmann claimed that someone had become mentally retarded in one week from the HPV vaccine. While her statement has been widely discredited, more than 18,000 reports of adverse events associated with the HPV vaccine have been made to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) since 2006, including 72 deaths. In fact, the risk of adverse events associated with the HPV vaccine is 7 events per 100,000 vaccinated, while the risk of cervical cancer in the developed world is 3 cases per 100,000.The story of Gabby Swank, who reportedly died from complications of the HPV vaccine, is documented in the new film The Greater Good, streaming live on mercola.com until November 5th.




Μαλιστα...οι πιθσνοτητες για καρκινο τραχηλου ειναι 3 στις 100.000 ενω για παρενεργειες (πολυ σοβαρες) 7 στις 100.000!

“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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Ο οργανισμός της ανήλικης μαθήτριας αντέδρασε σε εμβόλιο


Πως το παθανε.....αρθρο σε ελληνικο πορταλ....


Μαθητρια επαθε συνδρομο χρονιας κοπωωσης και κοιμαται 23 ωρες το 24ωρο

“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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για αυτό ειδικά:

With other vaccines for viral diseases, such as MMR, hepatitis B, and polio, what has never made sense scientifically is that the vaccines do not contain the original wild virus that occurs in nature and supposedly causes the disease. Instead the vaccine contains a manmade mutation of the natural virus that is then claimed to be able to confer immunity by triggering the body to produce antibodies to the original disease. So that was bad enough. But what theyʼre asking us to believe about HPV is going too far.


All physiology and immunology textbooks describe the triggering of immunoglobulin production as an extremely specific sequence, resulting in extremely specific antibodies. [167] They donʼt talk about cousins of viruses or particles from viruses able to trigger the precise antibodies to the virus itself. Such a claim is brand new. How could any real immunity come from vaccines like these, even if the viruses were the causative agents of disease?


Αυτός που το έγραψε αυτό δεν ξέρει βασικά πράγματα.


Το να μην ξέρεις, είναι «ok». Το να κάνεις την άγνοια σου επιχείρημα, ε πάει πολύ μακριά! Ας ανοίξει κανένα textbook να διαβάσει πως συμβαίνει!




για αρχή.

Δεν χρειάζεσαι τους ιούς τους ίδιους, μόνο κάτι που θα είναι ίδιο με αυτούς από την οπτική του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος.

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  apeleytheros είπε:

για αυτό ειδικά:



Αυτός που το έγραψε αυτό δεν ξέρει βασικά πράγματα.


Το να μην ξέρεις, είναι «ok». Το να κάνεις την άγνοια σου επιχείρημα, ε πάει πολύ μακριά! Ας ανοίξει κανένα textbook να διαβάσει πως συμβαίνει!




για αρχή.

Δεν χρειάζεσαι τους ιούς τους ίδιους, μόνο κάτι που θα είναι ίδιο με αυτούς από την οπτική του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος.

συνήθως στο internet διαβάζεις τέτοιες ανοησίες που τάχα τις προσυπογράφουν "επιστήμονες". έλεος, θα ξεχάσουμε κι αυτά που ξέρουμε στο τέλος... μπράβο που απάντησες, εγώ βαρέθηκα να μπω στον κόπο να εξηγώ...

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  apeleytheros είπε:

Δεν χρειάζεσαι τους ιούς τους ίδιους, μόνο κάτι που θα είναι ίδιο με αυτούς από την οπτική του ανοσοποιητικού συστήματος.

για παράδειγμα: τοξίνες των ιών

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  sofi@p είπε:
συνήθως στο internet διαβάζεις τέτοιες ανοησίες που τάχα τις προσυπογράφουν "επιστήμονες". έλεος, θα ξεχάσουμε κι αυτά που ξέρουμε στο τέλος... μπράβο που απάντησες, εγώ βαρέθηκα να μπω στον κόπο να εξηγώ...

ξέρεις ποιο είναι το πρόβλημα ότι όταν παρατήθωνται κάτι τέτοιες "επιστημονικές" βλακείες και δεν απαντάμε;

αυτοί που τις παρέθεσαν (και μαζί τους διάφοροι άλλοι ευπιστοι και αφελείς που τους διαβάζουν), ναμίζουν πως δεν έχουμε να παραθέσουμε κάτι που και καλά να αντικρούει (έλεος δηλαδή) τα επιχειρήματά τους :rolleyes: ....

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Εμένα μου άρεσε το άλλο, ο zur Hausen που ασχολείται με τον HPV από τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 80 και πήρε Νομπέλ Ιατρικής για τη σύνδεση του ιού με τον καρκίνο είναι ένας άσχετος κι αυτός που ξέρει περισσότερα για τον ιό είναι ο Τάδε Ταδόπουλος που έκανε PhD στο Berkeley.... παράλογοοοοο; δεν απαντά!

Time flies like the wind; fruit flies like bananas

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αθώα μου κίνκα....

τσ τσ τσ :rolleyes:

ο τύπος με το νόμπελ τα παίρνει χοντρά από τις ανθρωποφάγες της φαρμακοβιομηχανίες....

ενώ ο τάδε ταδόπουλος είναι ένα φτωχό και ρομαντικό γιατρουδάκι που "δεν τον νοιάζουν τα λεφτα" και "δεν κερδίζει τίποτα από τον μη εμβολιασμό"


μα που ζεις βρε κοπελιά...

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  sofi@p είπε:
συνήθως στο internet διαβάζεις τέτοιες ανοησίες που τάχα τις προσυπογράφουν "επιστήμονες". έλεος, θα ξεχάσουμε κι αυτά που ξέρουμε στο τέλος... μπράβο που απάντησες, εγώ βαρέθηκα να μπω στον κόπο να εξηγώ...

να διευκρινίσω ότι εγώ συμφωνώ με τον apeleytheros

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Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον 15 λεπτο βιντεο μιας γυναικολογου-μαιευτηρα για τα εμβολια, για οποιον βαριέται να διαβαζει ατελειωτα κατεβατα. Αναφέρεται και στο συγκεκριμενο εμβολιο.


Obstetrician, Dr Nancy Banks on infant sacrifice a.k.a. vaccination.



“Itʼs difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

Al Gore - An Inconvenient Truth

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  • 2 months later...

Καλησπερα! Ειμαι 19 χρονων με ολοκληρωμενες σχεσεις και η μαμα μου με πιεζει να κανω το εμβολιο κατα του καρκινου του τραχηλου της μητρας. Εγω φοβαμαι τις παρενεργειες που εχω ακουσει οτι υπαρχουν και το γεγονος οτι δεν θα πρεπει να ερθω σε επαφη για μερικους μηνες. Γνωριζεται κατι πανω σε αυτο πριν επισκευτω το γυναικολογο μου?

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  gina2 είπε:
Καλησπερα! Ειμαι 19 χρονων με ολοκληρωμενες σχεσεις και η μαμα μου με πιεζει να κανω το εμβολιο κατα του καρκινου του τραχηλου της μητρας. Εγω φοβαμαι τις παρενεργειες που εχω ακουσει οτι υπαρχουν και το γεγονος οτι δεν θα πρεπει να ερθω σε επαφη για μερικους μηνες. Γνωριζεται κατι πανω σε αυτο πριν επισκευτω το γυναικολογο μου?


Το σίγουρο είναι ότι δεν επιβάλλεται αποχή για μερικούς μήνες αφού εμβολιαστείς. Για τα υπόλοιπα, συζήτα με τη μαμά και το γιατρό σου και θα σου δώσουν κάποιες πληροφορίες για να αποφασίσεις.

Time flies like the wind; fruit flies like bananas

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Gina υπάρχει διάφορες γνώμες γι' αυτό το εμβόλιο στα "Ιατρικά θέματα, Διάγνωση, Θεραπεία > Εμβόλια > Εμβόλιο κατά του καρκίνου της μήτρας".


Πες και στη μητέρα σου αν θέλει να ενημερωθεί...

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Εγώ ξέρω (είχα ρωτήσει & τη γυναικολόγο μου) πως το συγκεκριμένο εμβόλιο μπορεί να το κάνει κάποια κοπέλα που δεν έχει ακόμη ολοκληρωμένες σχέσεις.

Πέρα απ' αυτό,εγώ θα σου 'λεγα να μην το κάνεις (εκτός του ότι έχεις ήδη σχέσεις) για το λόγο που αναφέρεις & 'συ,έχει πολλές παρενέργιες.

<<Απ' ό,τι ζήτησα & απ' ό,τι θα ζητήσω,μέσα μου για πάντα θα σ' έχω σαν ένα μικρό φυλαχτό!..>>

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Μπορείτε να δημοσιεύσετε το κείμενό σας τώρα και να ολοκληρώσετε την εγγραφή σας αργότερα. Εάν έχετε ήδη όνομα/λογαριασμό χρήστη, συνδεθείτε τώρα για να δημοσιεύσετε με το όνομα χρήστη σας.
Προσοχή: Η δημοσίευσή σας θα χρειαστεί να εγκριθεί από τους διαχειριστές πριν αναρτηθεί στο φόρουμ.

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