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Υπάρχει γυναικολόγος που δεν συστήνει Utrogestan?

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Περισσότερες δημοσιεύσεις

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Overview of the etiology and evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women


Errol R Norwitz, MD, PhD

Joong Shin Park, MD, PhD


Section Editor

Charles J Lockwood, MD


Deputy Editor

Vanessa A Barss, MD




Last literature review version 19.2:Μάϊος 2011 |This topic last updated:Αύγουστος 11, 2010 (More)

INTRODUCTION — Vaginal bleeding is a common event at all stages of pregnancy. The source is virtually always maternal, rather than fetal. Bleeding may result from disruption of decidual blood vessels or from discrete cervical or vaginal lesions. The clinician typically makes a provisional clinical diagnosis based upon the patient's gestational age and the character of her bleeding (light or heavy, associated with pain or painless, intermittent or constant). Laboratory and imaging tests are then used to confirm or revise the initial diagnosis.

An overview of the etiology and evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women will be reviewed here. Specific causes of bleeding and their management are discussed in detail separately. (See individual topic reviews on each subject).

FIRST TRIMESTER BLEEDING — Vaginal bleeding is common in the first trimester, occurring in 20 to 40 percent of pregnant women. It may be any combination of light or heavy, intermittent or constant, painless or painful. The four major sources of bleeding in early pregnancy are:


  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage (threatened, inevitable, incomplete, complete)
  • Implantation of the pregnancy
  • Cervical, vaginal, or uterine pathology (eg, polyps, inflammation/infection, trophoblastic disease)

Bleeding related to miscarriage is the most common cause of first trimester bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is relatively common and the most serious etiology as rupture of the extrauterine pregnancy is a life threatening complication.

Evaluation — The exact etiology of uterine bleeding in the first trimester often cannot be determined; the goal of the evaluation is to make a definitive diagnosis when possible and exclude the presence of serious pathology in the remaining cases. Ectopic pregnancy is particularly important to exclude since it can be life-threatening. Thus, the first step in evaluation is to determine whether the patient has had an ultrasound examination, as well as the results of the test. Prior documentation that the pregnancy is intrauterine immediately narrows the differential diagnosis.

History — The extent of bleeding should be determined: is the woman passing blood clots or is the blood soaking through her clothes? Does she feel lightheaded? Does she have significant pelvic pain or cramping? Has she passed any tissue? If she answers yes to these questions, then ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage are more likely diagnoses than implantation bleeding or cervicovaginal disease (eg, polyps, cervicitis, cancer). On the other hand, it is important to remember that the presence of only light, intermittent, painless bleeding does not exclude the possibility of a life-threatening underlying disorder, such as ectopic pregnancy.

What is the patient's medical history? A past history of ectopic pregnancy or risk factors for ectopic pregnancy (eg, history of pelvic inflammatory disease, presence of an intrauterine contraceptive device, adnexal surgery) increases the probability of this disorder. (See "Incidence, risk factors, and pathology of ectopic pregnancy".)

A history of two or more consecutive miscarriages or a condition associated with miscarriage (eg, parental chromosomal translocation, maternal antiphospholipid syndrome, uterine anomaly) suggests bleeding may be related to impending pregnancy loss. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation".)

Physical examination — Orthostatic changes in blood pressure or pulse are indicative of severe blood loss.

Any tissue the patient has passed should be examined. Patients may mistake blood clot for the products of conception. If the tissue represents a partial or complete miscarriage, the fetal membranes, fronds indicative of placental villi, or an intact fetus should be visible upon careful examination. Visualization of villi can be facilitated by floating the products of conception in water (picture 1A-B).

The patient's abdomen should be examined before performing an internal examination. It is best to begin by examining the quadrant where the patient is experiencing the least pain. Gentle percussion is preferred to deep palpation since it causes less pain and guarding. Midline pain is more consistent with miscarriage, while lateral pain is more consistent with ectopic pregnancy. Nongynecologic causes of pain also to be considered. (See "Approach to abdominal pain and the acute abdomen in pregnant and postpartum women".)

The clinician should determine whether uterine size is appropriate for the estimated gestational age. The size - gestational age correlation is learned by experience and is often described in terms of fruit (eg, 6 to 8 week size = small pear, 8 to 10 week size = orange, 10 to 12 week size = grapefruit). The uterus remains a pelvic organ until approximately 12 weeks of gestation, when it becomes sufficiently large to palpate transabdominally just above the symphysis pubis. The normal uterus is nontender, smooth, and firm.

If the pregnancy is at or beyond 10 to 12 weeks of gestation, a handheld Doppler device can be used to check the fetal heart beat. The fetal heart rate can be easily distinguished from the maternal heart rate since the fetal heart rate is typically in the range of 110 to 160 beats per minute [1]. Doppler confirmation of fetal cardiac activity is reassuring, as it indicates bleeding is not related to fetal demise and unlikely to be related to an ectopic pregnancy. On the other hand, loss of a previously detected fetal heart beat should raise suspicion that fetal demise has occurred. However, inability to detect fetal heart motion by Doppler is subject to physician error, particularly in the first trimester.

After the abdominal examination, the patient is placed in the lithotomy position. The external genitalia are examined to assess the volume and source of bleeding and then a speculum is inserted into the vagina. If blood clots, products of conception, or both are present, they can be removed with gauze sponges on a sponge forceps. This tissue is examined as described above and, by convention, sent for pathologic examination to confirm the presence of products of conception and to exclude gestational trophoblastic disease. The utility of routine histopathological examination is questionable, as it rarely suggests the underlying cause of the pregnancy failure or establishes a diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease [2]. However, pathologists can sometimes diagnose entities that are the probable cause of the loss or associated with recurrence. These include massive chronic intervillositis, massive intervillous fibrin deposition, maternal vasculitis, findings suggestive of some chromosomal anomalies (eg, triploidy, some trisomies), and septic abortion.

Speculum examination may reveal a source of bleeding unrelated to pregnancy; in such cases, further evaluation depends upon the nature of the abnormality:


Visualization of the cervical os helps to distinguish between a threatened and an impending/inevitable miscarriage. Direct visualization of the gestational sac in a dilated cervix is generally sufficient to diagnose an impending/inevitable miscarriage clinically. The cervix will also be open after a recent incomplete or complete miscarriage. Ultrasound can provide additional information in these cases, such as whether or not there are retained products of conception, or the unexpected presence of a twin pregnancy with a second viable gestational sac.

A closed cervix is consistent with a threatened miscarriage, but not diagnostic. If the cervix appears closed and there are no obvious bleeding lesions, the speculum is removed and a bimanual pelvic examination is performed. With an ectopic pregnancy, findings on pelvic examination may include adnexal, cervical motion, or abdominal tenderness; an adnexal mass; and mild uterine enlargement. However, the physical examination is often unremarkable in a woman with a small, unruptured ectopic pregnancy. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Uterine size larger than expected for dates suggests a multiple gestation, possibly with miscarriage of one of the multiples, gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy), or other uterine pathology (fibroids can cause an irregularly enlarged uterus). (See "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations" and "Gestational trophoblastic disease: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and natural history of uterine leiomyomas (fibroids)".)

One review of data from observational studies concluded that ultrasound examination and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration (both discussed below) could replace pelvic examination in the initial evaluation of patients with early pregnancy bleeding [3]. However, some diagnoses will be missed with this approach (eg, bleeding from cervical or vaginal lesions), this combination of tests may not distinguish between a complete miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy (both will have an empty uterus and positive hCG), and the additional cost of the tests can be avoided in some patients. For example, in bleeding patients in whom sonography has previously confirmed a viable singleton intrauterine pregnancy, another examination is not necessary to exclude ectopic pregnancy or to confirm fetal viability if fetal heart motion can be detected by a handheld Doppler device. Additionally, there is no value in checking human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration once the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy has been established sonographically.

Ultrasonography — Transvaginal ultrasonography is the cornerstone of the evaluation of bleeding in early pregnancy. It is most useful in bleeding patients with a positive pregnancy test in whom an intrauterine pregnancy has not been previously confirmed by imaging studies. In these women, ultrasound examination is performed to determine whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or extrauterine (ectopic) and, if intrauterine, whether the pregnancy is viable (fetal cardiac activity present) or nonviable.

It is important to note that the absence of an intrauterine gestational sac is highly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy if more than 5.5 to 6 weeks have elapsed since the first day of the patient's last menstrual period. At earlier gestational ages, however, an intrauterine pregnancy may be present, but not yet identifiable, by ultrasound. In these cases, sonographic findings are correlated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. The use of sonography and hCG in the differential diagnosis of intrauterine versus extrauterine pregnancy and viable versus nonviable intrauterine pregnancy is described briefly below (see 'Laboratory tests' below) and in detail separately. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Rarely, ultrasound examination reveals unusual causes of uterine bleeding, such as gestational trophoblastic disease or loss of one fetus from a multiple gestation. (See "Gestational trophoblastic disease: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations", section on 'Early and late loss'.)

In bleeding patients in whom sonography has previously confirmed a viable singleton intrauterine pregnancy, another examination is not necessary to confirm fetal viability if fetal heart motion can be detected by a handheld Doppler device.

Laboratory tests — There is no role for monitoring human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration once the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy has been established sonographically. Serial measurements of hCG are helpful during the first six weeks of pregnancy if ultrasonography is nondiagnostic, ie, the site and viability of the pregnancy are not revealed. In this setting:


  • Falling beta-hCG concentrations are consistent with a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy or involuting ectopic pregnancy, but do not indicate whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic.
  • Appropriately rising hCG levels are most consistent with a viable intrauterine pregnancy (85 percent of viable pregnancies display a rise in hCG greater than 66 percent over 48 hours), but some ectopic pregnancies also display this pattern.
  • hCG levels that have plateaued or are rising slowly suggest an ectopic pregnancy.

The pattern of hCG change in normal and abnormal pregnancies and its correlation with ultrasound findings are discussed in detail separately, and summarized below. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy", section on 'Human chorionic gonadotropin'.)

Other hormone assays (eg, progesterone, estrogen, inhibin A, PAPP-A) are less useful.

Differential diagnosis and management — The information gleaned from the above evaluation is used to determine a diagnosis and plan of management. Women with significant first trimester vaginal bleeding (ie, menses-like) should have a red blood cell antibody screen checked. Those who are Rh(D) negative are given anti-D immunoglobulin to protect against Rh(D) isoimmunization, unless the vaginal bleeding is clearly due to a nonplacental, nonfetal source, such as a vaginal laceration. (See "Prevention of Rh(D) alloimmunization".)

Ectopic pregnancy — Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy and early pregnancy bleeding and pain are assumed to have recurrent ectopic pregnancy until this diagnosis has been excluded by laboratory and imaging studies.

In the hands of an experienced ultrasonographer, absence of an intrauterine pregnancy on transvaginal ultrasound examination when the hCG concentration is greater than 1000 to 2000 IU/L (greater than 6000 IU/L for transabdominal ultrasound) strongly suggests ectopic pregnancy (with less experienced sonographers the threshold may be higher, 2000 to 4000 IU/L ). An adnexal mass may or may not be seen. The presence of hemodynamic instability and a tender abdomen suggests the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured.

Diagnosis of intrauterine (viable or nonviable) versus extrauterine pregnancy at hCG concentrations below 1500 IU/L is complicated and discussed in detail separately. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Management of ectopic pregnancy is generally medical (methotrexate therapy) or surgical. (See "Methotrexate treatment of tubal and interstitial ectopic pregnancy" and "Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy and prognosis for subsequent fertility".)

Expectant management can be dangerous for the mother, but may be possible in rare cases. (See "Expectant management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Even if an intrauterine pregnancy is diagnosed, the possibility of heterotopic pregnancy should be kept in mind, even though rare. This is particularly important in women who underwent in vitro fertilization since these patients are at increased risk of this pregnancy complication. (See "Abdominal pregnancy, cesarean scar pregnancy, and heterotopic pregnancy".)

Threatened miscarriage — Uterine bleeding in the presence of a closed cervix and sonographic visualization of an intrauterine pregnancy with detectable fetal cardiac activity is diagnostic of threatened miscarriage. The term "threatened" is used to describe these cases because miscarriage does not always follow uterine bleeding in early pregnancy, even after repeated episodes or large amounts of bleeding. In fact, 90 to 96 percent of pregnancies with both fetal cardiac activity and vaginal bleeding at 7 to 11 weeks of gestation do not miscarry; the higher success rate is associated with bleeding at the later end of the gestational age range [4,5].

Uterine bleeding in these cases is likely due to disruption of decidual vessels at the maternal-fetal interface. These separations generally cannot be visualized by ultrasound, but sometimes appear as a subchorionic hematoma. Management is expectant. The diagnosis and outcome of subchorionic hematoma are discussed in more detail separately. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation", section on 'Findings potentially predictive of pregnancy loss'.)

Inevitable miscarriage — When miscarriage is inevitable, the cervix is dilated, uterine bleeding is increasing, and painful uterine cramps/contractions are present. The gestational tissue often can be felt or seen through the cervical os; passage of this tissue typically occurs within a short time. Management may be expectant, or a medical or surgical intervention to complete the miscarriage can be undertaken. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Spontaneous abortion: Management".)

Complete and incomplete miscarriage


  • Complete miscarriage — When a miscarriage occurs before 12 weeks of gestation, it is common for the entire contents of the uterus to be expelled, thereby resulting in a complete miscarriage. If this has occurred, the uterus is small on physical examination and well contracted with an open or closed cervix, scant vaginal bleeding, and only mild cramping. Ultrasound will reveal an empty uterus and no extrauterine gestation.

A complete miscarriage can be distinguished from an ectopic pregnancy by examining the tissue that was passed to confirm products of conception, by demonstrating falling rather than rising or plateaued hCG levels, and by patient description of diminishing bleeding and pain. No further intervention is needed for complete miscarriage if chorionic villi are identified by pathologic examination of the products of conception. However, if no villi are identified or no specimens are available for pathologic examination, then serum hCG levels should be followed serially until the level is undetectable. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Spontaneous abortion: Management".)


  • Incomplete miscarriage — After 12 weeks of gestation, the membranes may rupture and the fetus may be passed, but significant amounts of placental tissue can be retained, resulting in an incomplete miscarriage. On examination, the cervical os is open, gestational tissue may be observed in the cervix, and the uterine size is smaller than expected for gestational age, but not well contracted. The amount of bleeding varies, but can be severe enough to cause hypovolemic shock. Painful cramps/contractions are often present. Ultrasound reveals tissue in the uterus. Medical or surgical evacuation is generally performed.

Missed abortion — A missed abortion (also called a delayed miscarriage) refers to in-utero death of the embryo or fetus prior to the 20th week of gestation, with retention of the pregnancy for a prolonged period of time. Women may notice that symptoms associated with early pregnancy (eg, nausea, breast tenderness) have abated and they don't "feel pregnant" anymore. Vaginal bleeding may occur. The cervix usually remains closed. Ultrasound reveals an intrauterine gestational sac with or without a fetal pole, but no fetal cardiac activity. Management may be expectant or a medical or surgical intervention to complete the miscarriage can be undertaken. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation".)

Vanishing twin — The term "vanishing twin" has been used to describe a singleton pregnancy which results from very early loss of one member of a multiple gestation. Vanishing twins are often the product of assisted reproduction techniques and can be associated with vaginal bleeding [6]. (See "Pregnancy outcome after assisted reproductive technology", section on 'Early loss' and "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations", section on 'Early and late loss'.)

Vaginitis, trauma, cancer, warts, polyps, fibroids — These conditions are diagnosed by visual inspection, with ancillary tests as indicated (eg, wet mount and pH of vaginal discharge, cervical cytology and/or biopsy of mass lesions, ultrasound examination of fibroids).

Management of bleeding related to these conditions depends upon the specific condition. (See individual topic reviews on each subject).

Ectropion — Cervical ectropion (columnar epithelium exposed to the vaginal milieu by eversion of the endocervix) is a common and normal finding in pregnancy. The exposed columnar epithelium is prone to light bleeding when touched, such as during coitus, insertion of a speculum, bimanual examination, or when a cervical specimen is obtained for cytology or culture. Therapy is unnecessary. (See "Congenital cervical anomalies and benign cervical lesions", section on 'Ectropion'.)

Physiologic or implantation bleeding — This is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is characterized by a small amount of spotting or bleeding approximately 10 to 14 days after fertilization (at the time of the missed menstrual period), and is presumed to be related to implantation of the fertilized egg in the decidua (ie, lining of the uterus) [7], although this hypothesis has been questioned [8]. No intervention is indicated.

Prognosis — Studies consistently show an association between first trimester bleeding and adverse outcome (eg, miscarriage, preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes, fetal growth restriction) later in pregnancy [8-18]. The prognosis is best when bleeding is light and limited to early pregnancy, ie, less than 6 weeks of gestation [8,17]. The prognosis worsens when bleeding is heavy or extends into the second trimester [12-16]. These relationships are illustrated by the following examples:


  • In a series of 550 women followed prospectively from the time of their positive pregnancy test, 117 (21 percent) had bleeding prior to 20 weeks of gestation and 67 miscarried (12 percent, or about one-half of those with bleeding) [19]. Fourteen of 18 pregnancies with heavy bleeding (eg, clots) and moderate pain miscarried (78 percent).
  • In one large prospective series in which all subjects had a viable pregnancy at enrollment at 10 to 14 weeks, the frequency of preterm delivery with no, light, or heavy first trimester bleeding was about 6, 9, and 14 percent, respectively, and the frequency of spontaneous loss before 24 weeks of gestation was 0.4, 1, and 2 percent, respectively [12]. Because these subjects were enrolled late in the first trimester and with sonographically confirmed fetal viability, women with very early bleeding and miscarriage had already been excluded.
  • In a third series, vaginal bleeding occurring in more than one trimester was associated with a greater than seven-fold increased risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes (OR 7.4; 95% CI 2.2-25.6) [16].
  • A retrospective registry-based study including over one million women found that, compared to women without bleeding, first trimester bleeding significantly increased the risk of preterm birth at 28 to 31 weeks (0.9 versus 0.3 percent; OR 2.98, 95% CI 2.50-3.54) and at 32 to 36 weeks (6.1 versus 3.6 percent; OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.57-1.77) [18]. First trimester bleeding was also associated with a significant increase in risk of bleeding and preterm birth in the subsequent pregnancy. A history of first trimester bleeding in the first pregnancy increased the incidence of bleeding in the second pregnancy from 2.2 percent to 8.2 percent (OR 4.05; 95% CI 3.78-4.34) and increased the incidence of preterm delivery from 2.7 percent to 4.8 percent (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.67-2.00).

No change in pregnancy management is indicated for women with first trimester bleeding. There are no effective interventions, but women can be reassured of the low likelihood of adverse outcome. In particular, bedrest is unnecessary and will not affect outcome. (See "Risk factors for preterm labor and delivery", section on 'Vaginal bleeding'.)

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Εδώ είναι οι κολπικές αιμορραγίες του πρώτου τριμήνου. Έχω και τη συνέχεια των άλλων τριμήνων, καθώς και όποιο λινκ θέλετε. Είναι συνδρομητικό, οπότε μόνο όταν έχει πληρωθεί το σημαντικό ποσό που κοστίζει μπορεί κάποιος να το διαβάζει. Εν τούτοις στα νοσοκομεία παγκοσμίως το ξέρουμε και το χρησιμοποιούμε διαρκώς

Και φυσικά δεν χρειάζομαι ασθενείς, γιατί δεν μπορώ να παρακολουθήσω εξωτερικούς. Δεν έχω ιδιωτικό ιατρείο και δεν πρόκειται να αποκτήσω ποτέ. Δεν διαφημίζομαι, απλώς ερώτηση έκανα:

Υπάρχει γυναικολόγος που δεν συστήνει utrogestan;

(ευτυχώς για μένα βρήκα μερικούς μέχρι στιγμής). Τώρα όποιος θέλει να τα δίνει, όποιος θέλει να τα λαμβάνει, δεν έχω αντίρρηση, δεν με αφορά

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Πολύ ενδιαφέρον το άρθρο αυτό για τις αιμορραγίες 1ου τριμήνου.

Δίνει την εντύπωση όμως ότι εξαιρεί την επίδραση της λήψης προγεστερόνης (utrogestan ή άλλο).

Έχω πάρει πάααααρα πολύ προγεστερόνη (κυρίως utrogestan) στη ζωή μου (στην πρώτη μου εγκυμοσύνη μόλις διαγνώστηκε αποκόλληση στην 6η εβδομάδα) και έκτοτε σε κάθε προσπάθεια υποβοηθούμενης καθώς προέκυψα ... υπογόνιμη.

Έχω εκνευριστεί επίσης πάααααρα πολύ, καθώς ΟΛΟΙ οι γιατροί από τους οποίους έχω περάσει το τελευταίο διάστημα συστήνουν utrogestan ενώ στα ατελείωτα κατεβατά των εξετάσεων που κατά καιρούς κάνω, κάποιες μπορεί να είναι και υπερβολικές, είμαι σίγουρη γι΄ αυτό, δεν υπάρχει ποτέ μέτρηση προγεστερόνης.

Θα σου ήμουν πραγματικά ευγνώμων αν συνέχιζες να μας ενημερώνεις για τα συμπεράσματά σου.

Καλή επιτυχία στις προσπάθειές σας εύχομαι σύντομα!



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.... ενώ στα ατελείωτα κατεβατά των εξετάσεων που κατά καιρούς κάνω, κάποιες μπορεί να είναι και υπερβολικές, είμαι σίγουρη γι΄ αυτό, δεν υπάρχει ποτέ μέτρηση προγεστερόνης.


Η μέτρηση προγεστερονης συμπεριλαμβάνεται στο πλήρες πακέτο του ορμονικού ελέγχου. Αποκλείεται να μην έχεις κάνει λοιπόν. Είναι από τα πρώτα που κοιτάνε στην υπογονιμοτητα. Εγώ έχω κάνει 3 φορές τα τελευταία 3 χρόνια. Πάντα έχει μέτρηση προγεστερόνης μέσα. Αν λοιπόν σε κάποια μέτρηση έχουν βρει χαμηλή προγεστερόνη, φυσικό είναι να σου χορηγούν utrpgestan.

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Η μέτρηση προγεστερονης συμπεριλαμβάνεται στο πλήρες πακέτο του ορμονικού ελέγχου. Αποκλείεται να μην έχεις κάνει λοιπόν. Είναι από τα πρώτα που κοιτάνε στην υπογονιμοτητα. Εγώ έχω κάνει 3 φορές τα τελευταία 3 χρόνια. Πάντα έχει μέτρηση προγεστερόνης μέσα. Αν λοιπόν σε κάποια μέτρηση έχουν βρει χαμηλή προγεστερόνη, φυσικό είναι να σου χορηγούν utrpgestan.


Φιλενάδα... άστο. Τις έχω κοιτάξει αναλυτικά.

Μάλιστα στο τελευταίο ραντεβού με τον γιατρό μου, που του έδειξα και την "καταπληκτική" τιμή της ΑΜΗ μου (0,9) τον ρώτησα επί τούτου: Μήπως να μετρήσω την προγεστερόνη μου την άλλη εβδομάδα που θα είμαι 7 μέρες μετά την υποτιθέμενη ωορρηξία?

Και έλαβα την εξής αποστομωτική απάντηση:


Όχι καλέ δε χρειάζεται, αφού έτσι κι αλλιώς στις υποβοηθούμενες όλοι δίνουμε utrogestan!!!


(Κατά τα άλλα, του έχω εμπιστοσύνη, με έχει βοηθήσει πολύ σα γιατρός, απλά η εμπίστοσύνη μου δεν είναι "τυφλή")


Έτσι μου έρχεται αφού καρατσέκαρα την ωορρηξία μου με τεστάκι-βλέννες-θερμοκρασία να πάω να την μετρήσω μόνη μου.



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καλε γιατι να μην περνουμε ουτροτζεσταν?εγω και στις 2 εγκυμοσυνες εβλεπα αιμα και μολις επερνα 2 χαπακια εξαφανιζοταν!ειναι προτιμοτερο να μην κλεινει η πληγη?ολα τα φαρμακα δεν ειναι για καποιο λογο?εμεις θ αποφασισουμε τι θα περνουμε και τι οχι?τοτε να μην πηγαινουμε στους γιατρους να περιμενουμε το αγιο πνευμα να μας φωτιζει!

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Έχω μείνει με την απορία όμως. Αν όντως η χορήγηση έξτρα προγεστερόνης, δεν βοηθάει σε τίποτα, τότε γιατί μας τη δίνουν;



Νομίζω πως ο δικός μου δίνει έτσι κι αλλιώς σε όλες...

Βασικά με το πατατράκ που έχω πάθει το τελευταίο εξάμηνο, τα παίρνω και δεν βγάζω κιχ, αλλά αν μου έλεγαν ότι υπάρχει τρόπος να γλιτώσω το τρελό φούσκωμα, δυσκοιλιότητα, ναυτία, υπνηλία, κλπ (πριν την 7η εβδομάδα που έτσι κι αλλιώς σε πιάνουν οι ορμόνες της εγκυμοσύνης), ε, δεν θα έλεγα και όχι...



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Νομίζω πως ο δικός μου δίνει έτσι κι αλλιώς σε όλες...

Βασικά με το πατατράκ που έχω πάθει το τελευταίο εξάμηνο, τα παίρνω και δεν βγάζω κιχ, αλλά αν μου έλεγαν ότι υπάρχει τρόπος να γλιτώσω το τρελό φούσκωμα, δυσκοιλιότητα, ναυτία, υπνηλία, κλπ (πριν την 7η εβδομάδα που έτσι κι αλλιώς σε πιάνουν οι ορμόνες της εγκυμοσύνης), ε, δεν θα έλεγα και όχι...


Εγώ δεν είχα, ούτε έχω τίποτα απ' όλα αυτά, εκτός από υπνηλία. Αλλά είναι λογικό να κουτουλαω απ' τις 10 το βράδυ, αφού ξυπνάω στις 6. Τα utrogestan φταίνε; Η φυσική μας προγεστερόνη αυξάνεται έτσι κι αλλιώς στην εγκυμοσύνη, υπνηλία έχουν όλες οι έγκυες στο πρώτο τρίμηνο, ακομα κι αν δεν παίρνουν προγεστερόνη.

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κορίτσια ξέρετε πόσες μέρες μετά την διακοπή των utrogestan μας έρχεται περίοδος??? S.O.S....περιμένω 5 μέρες.....συγνώμη που επιμένω αλλά έχω αγχωθεί


Στο ξαναείπα κ στην άλλη συζήτηση: τράβα κάνε μια χοριακή. Στην ανάγκη κάνε τεστ φαρμακείου. Όσο το καθυστερείς τόσο ενδεχομένως θέτεις σε κίνδυνο την πιθανή κύησή σου γιατί ο γιατρός σου δεν έχει τη δυνατότητα να σου δώσει οδηγίες κατάλληλες για σένα: από συμπληρώματα διατροφής (και τα utrogestan συμπεριλαμβανονται) μέχρι αλλαγή τρόπου ζωής.

ΟΛΕΣ οι κοπέλες που ξέρω με το σχήμα το δικό σου (serpafar - pregnyl - utrogestan) κάνουν χοριακή χωρίς να περιμένουν καθυστέρηση.

Μήπως σου το είπε ο γιατρός σου και δεν το κατάλαβες?



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Τελευταία φορά που μιλήσαμε με την γιατρο ήταν την 21η μέρα που της είπα οτι βγήκε η προγεστερόνη μου 14 και μου είπε είναι μικρή..ξεκίνα utrogestan για δέκα μέρες και μόλις αδιαθετήσεις πάλι Serpafar..με συγχωρείς που επιμένω αλλά έχω γίνει παρανοική με το όλο θέμα..ευχαριστώ πάντως για τις απαντήσεις σου, πήρα ένα τεστ και θα το κάνω το πρωί:?: α και pregnyl δεν κάνω μόνο serpafar-utrogestan γι'αυτό και το έχω αποκλείσει

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Τελευταία φορά που μιλήσαμε με την γιατρο ήταν την 21η μέρα που της είπα οτι βγήκε η προγεστερόνη μου 14 και μου είπε είναι μικρή..ξεκίνα utrogestan για δέκα μέρες και μόλις αδιαθετήσεις πάλι Serpafar..με συγχωρείς που επιμένω αλλά έχω γίνει παρανοική με το όλο θέμα..ευχαριστώ πάντως για τις απαντήσεις σου, πήρα ένα τεστ και θα το κάνω το πρωί:?: α και pregnyl δεν κάνω μόνο serpafar-utrogestan γι'αυτό και το έχω αποκλείσει


Κοίτα, με την pregnyl, υπάρχει περίπτωση να επηρεαστεί η ένδειξη του τεστ. Για σένα αυτό δεν ισχύει, που σημαίνει ότι έχεις ακόμη πιο πολλές ενδείξεις να "τεσταριστείς".

Σου εύχομαι ΟΛΟΨΥΧΑ ένα μεγάλο +



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Κρατάω στα χέρια μου ένα θετικό τέστ και πάω για χοριακή...μακάρι να είναι αλήθεια και να πάνε όλα καλά!:roll:


Αμάν βρε κοπέλα μου και μας έσκασες!!!

Ψυχραιμία κ όλα θα πάνε καλά. Να δεις που η χοριακή σου θα είναι τεράαααααστια!



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Ευχαριστώ πολύ, μακάρι...το απόγευμα θα ξέρω...έτσι είμαι εγώ βρε παιδάκι μου, σκάω γάιδαρο, η ψυχούλα του άντρα μου το ξέρει! Εύχομαι και στα δικά σου σύντομα!!!

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Να σου κάνω μια ερώτηση? το utrogestan το παίρνεις απο το στόμα ή κολπικά? σε ρωτάω επειδή και εμένα με χαλαγε πολύ, και τελικά το πείρα κολπικά μετά απο συμβουλή του γιατρου μου, και αμέσως όλα αυτά που αναφέρεις μου πέρασαν..

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Σας εχω στειλει και πμ

Εμενα η γυναικολογος μου ειναι κατα της περιναιοτομης και για αυτο μοιυ ειχ εδοσει νε λαδι για να κανω μασαζ στην περιοχη , ανγκαστηκαμε επειδη το μωρο ερχοταν με το προσωπο και εκανε μια τομη 2 ραμματα πλαγια οχι προς τα κατω!

Οσο για τηνν προγεστερονη την δινει μονο οταν χρειαζεται

Για παραδειγμα η κολλητη μου ειχε αποκοληση απο την 7η εβδομαδα και δεν της εδωσε τιποτα παρα μονο ξεκουραση και ηρεμια συνεστησε!

Απλα πιστευω οτι σε καποιες περιπτωσεις και αναλογα με την ηληκια της εγγυου χρειαζονται τ ασυγγεκριμενα φαρμακα!

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Γεια σας κοριτσια.Να σας ρωτησω κατι....Εγω ειμαι 10εβδ. και παιρνω utrogestan απο την 4η σχεδον γιατι ειχα κατι πονακια και μου ειπε ογιατρος οτι ειναι λογο συσπασεων.Εξεταση για προγεστερονη ομως δεν εχω κανει!!!Δεν μου το ζητησε!!!!Παιρνω 3 την ημερα

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Είχα αιμοραγία στον 2ο μήνα και μάλιστα μετά από παλίνδρομη, αλλά δεν πήρα utrogestan και όλα καλά! Απλά ξεκούραση σε λογικά πλαίσια, δηλαδή χωρίς να ακινητοποιηθώ. Τον γιατρό που προαναφέρθηκε τον εμπιστεύομαι απόλυτα. Επίσης, δεν κόβει (τουλάχιστον εμένα δεν με έκοψε), δεν κάνει κλύσμα κλπ...

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Overview of the etiology and evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women


Errol R Norwitz, MD, PhD

Joong Shin Park, MD, PhD


Section Editor

Charles J Lockwood, MD


Deputy Editor

Vanessa A Barss, MD




Last literature review version 19.2:Μάϊος 2011 |This topic last updated:Αύγουστος 11, 2010 (More)

INTRODUCTION — Vaginal bleeding is a common event at all stages of pregnancy. The source is virtually always maternal, rather than fetal. Bleeding may result from disruption of decidual blood vessels or from discrete cervical or vaginal lesions. The clinician typically makes a provisional clinical diagnosis based upon the patient's gestational age and the character of her bleeding (light or heavy, associated with pain or painless, intermittent or constant). Laboratory and imaging tests are then used to confirm or revise the initial diagnosis.

An overview of the etiology and evaluation of vaginal bleeding in pregnant women will be reviewed here. Specific causes of bleeding and their management are discussed in detail separately. (See individual topic reviews on each subject).

FIRST TRIMESTER BLEEDING — Vaginal bleeding is common in the first trimester, occurring in 20 to 40 percent of pregnant women. It may be any combination of light or heavy, intermittent or constant, painless or painful. The four major sources of bleeding in early pregnancy are:


  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage (threatened, inevitable, incomplete, complete)
  • Implantation of the pregnancy
  • Cervical, vaginal, or uterine pathology (eg, polyps, inflammation/infection, trophoblastic disease)

Bleeding related to miscarriage is the most common cause of first trimester bleeding. Ectopic pregnancy is relatively common and the most serious etiology as rupture of the extrauterine pregnancy is a life threatening complication.

Evaluation — The exact etiology of uterine bleeding in the first trimester often cannot be determined; the goal of the evaluation is to make a definitive diagnosis when possible and exclude the presence of serious pathology in the remaining cases. Ectopic pregnancy is particularly important to exclude since it can be life-threatening. Thus, the first step in evaluation is to determine whether the patient has had an ultrasound examination, as well as the results of the test. Prior documentation that the pregnancy is intrauterine immediately narrows the differential diagnosis.

History — The extent of bleeding should be determined: is the woman passing blood clots or is the blood soaking through her clothes? Does she feel lightheaded? Does she have significant pelvic pain or cramping? Has she passed any tissue? If she answers yes to these questions, then ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage are more likely diagnoses than implantation bleeding or cervicovaginal disease (eg, polyps, cervicitis, cancer). On the other hand, it is important to remember that the presence of only light, intermittent, painless bleeding does not exclude the possibility of a life-threatening underlying disorder, such as ectopic pregnancy.

What is the patient's medical history? A past history of ectopic pregnancy or risk factors for ectopic pregnancy (eg, history of pelvic inflammatory disease, presence of an intrauterine contraceptive device, adnexal surgery) increases the probability of this disorder. (See "Incidence, risk factors, and pathology of ectopic pregnancy".)

A history of two or more consecutive miscarriages or a condition associated with miscarriage (eg, parental chromosomal translocation, maternal antiphospholipid syndrome, uterine anomaly) suggests bleeding may be related to impending pregnancy loss. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation".)

Physical examination — Orthostatic changes in blood pressure or pulse are indicative of severe blood loss.

Any tissue the patient has passed should be examined. Patients may mistake blood clot for the products of conception. If the tissue represents a partial or complete miscarriage, the fetal membranes, fronds indicative of placental villi, or an intact fetus should be visible upon careful examination. Visualization of villi can be facilitated by floating the products of conception in water (picture 1A-B).

The patient's abdomen should be examined before performing an internal examination. It is best to begin by examining the quadrant where the patient is experiencing the least pain. Gentle percussion is preferred to deep palpation since it causes less pain and guarding. Midline pain is more consistent with miscarriage, while lateral pain is more consistent with ectopic pregnancy. Nongynecologic causes of pain also to be considered. (See "Approach to abdominal pain and the acute abdomen in pregnant and postpartum women".)

The clinician should determine whether uterine size is appropriate for the estimated gestational age. The size - gestational age correlation is learned by experience and is often described in terms of fruit (eg, 6 to 8 week size = small pear, 8 to 10 week size = orange, 10 to 12 week size = grapefruit). The uterus remains a pelvic organ until approximately 12 weeks of gestation, when it becomes sufficiently large to palpate transabdominally just above the symphysis pubis. The normal uterus is nontender, smooth, and firm.

If the pregnancy is at or beyond 10 to 12 weeks of gestation, a handheld Doppler device can be used to check the fetal heart beat. The fetal heart rate can be easily distinguished from the maternal heart rate since the fetal heart rate is typically in the range of 110 to 160 beats per minute [1]. Doppler confirmation of fetal cardiac activity is reassuring, as it indicates bleeding is not related to fetal demise and unlikely to be related to an ectopic pregnancy. On the other hand, loss of a previously detected fetal heart beat should raise suspicion that fetal demise has occurred. However, inability to detect fetal heart motion by Doppler is subject to physician error, particularly in the first trimester.

After the abdominal examination, the patient is placed in the lithotomy position. The external genitalia are examined to assess the volume and source of bleeding and then a speculum is inserted into the vagina. If blood clots, products of conception, or both are present, they can be removed with gauze sponges on a sponge forceps. This tissue is examined as described above and, by convention, sent for pathologic examination to confirm the presence of products of conception and to exclude gestational trophoblastic disease. The utility of routine histopathological examination is questionable, as it rarely suggests the underlying cause of the pregnancy failure or establishes a diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic disease [2]. However, pathologists can sometimes diagnose entities that are the probable cause of the loss or associated with recurrence. These include massive chronic intervillositis, massive intervillous fibrin deposition, maternal vasculitis, findings suggestive of some chromosomal anomalies (eg, triploidy, some trisomies), and septic abortion.

Speculum examination may reveal a source of bleeding unrelated to pregnancy; in such cases, further evaluation depends upon the nature of the abnormality:


Visualization of the cervical os helps to distinguish between a threatened and an impending/inevitable miscarriage. Direct visualization of the gestational sac in a dilated cervix is generally sufficient to diagnose an impending/inevitable miscarriage clinically. The cervix will also be open after a recent incomplete or complete miscarriage. Ultrasound can provide additional information in these cases, such as whether or not there are retained products of conception, or the unexpected presence of a twin pregnancy with a second viable gestational sac.

A closed cervix is consistent with a threatened miscarriage, but not diagnostic. If the cervix appears closed and there are no obvious bleeding lesions, the speculum is removed and a bimanual pelvic examination is performed. With an ectopic pregnancy, findings on pelvic examination may include adnexal, cervical motion, or abdominal tenderness; an adnexal mass; and mild uterine enlargement. However, the physical examination is often unremarkable in a woman with a small, unruptured ectopic pregnancy. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Uterine size larger than expected for dates suggests a multiple gestation, possibly with miscarriage of one of the multiples, gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy), or other uterine pathology (fibroids can cause an irregularly enlarged uterus). (See "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations" and "Gestational trophoblastic disease: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and natural history of uterine leiomyomas (fibroids)".)

One review of data from observational studies concluded that ultrasound examination and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration (both discussed below) could replace pelvic examination in the initial evaluation of patients with early pregnancy bleeding [3]. However, some diagnoses will be missed with this approach (eg, bleeding from cervical or vaginal lesions), this combination of tests may not distinguish between a complete miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy (both will have an empty uterus and positive hCG), and the additional cost of the tests can be avoided in some patients. For example, in bleeding patients in whom sonography has previously confirmed a viable singleton intrauterine pregnancy, another examination is not necessary to exclude ectopic pregnancy or to confirm fetal viability if fetal heart motion can be detected by a handheld Doppler device. Additionally, there is no value in checking human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration once the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy has been established sonographically.

Ultrasonography — Transvaginal ultrasonography is the cornerstone of the evaluation of bleeding in early pregnancy. It is most useful in bleeding patients with a positive pregnancy test in whom an intrauterine pregnancy has not been previously confirmed by imaging studies. In these women, ultrasound examination is performed to determine whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or extrauterine (ectopic) and, if intrauterine, whether the pregnancy is viable (fetal cardiac activity present) or nonviable.

It is important to note that the absence of an intrauterine gestational sac is highly suggestive of ectopic pregnancy if more than 5.5 to 6 weeks have elapsed since the first day of the patient's last menstrual period. At earlier gestational ages, however, an intrauterine pregnancy may be present, but not yet identifiable, by ultrasound. In these cases, sonographic findings are correlated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels. The use of sonography and hCG in the differential diagnosis of intrauterine versus extrauterine pregnancy and viable versus nonviable intrauterine pregnancy is described briefly below (see 'Laboratory tests' below) and in detail separately. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Rarely, ultrasound examination reveals unusual causes of uterine bleeding, such as gestational trophoblastic disease or loss of one fetus from a multiple gestation. (See "Gestational trophoblastic disease: Epidemiology, clinical manifestations and diagnosis" and "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations", section on 'Early and late loss'.)

In bleeding patients in whom sonography has previously confirmed a viable singleton intrauterine pregnancy, another examination is not necessary to confirm fetal viability if fetal heart motion can be detected by a handheld Doppler device.

Laboratory tests — There is no role for monitoring human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentration once the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy has been established sonographically. Serial measurements of hCG are helpful during the first six weeks of pregnancy if ultrasonography is nondiagnostic, ie, the site and viability of the pregnancy are not revealed. In this setting:


  • Falling beta-hCG concentrations are consistent with a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy or involuting ectopic pregnancy, but do not indicate whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic.
  • Appropriately rising hCG levels are most consistent with a viable intrauterine pregnancy (85 percent of viable pregnancies display a rise in hCG greater than 66 percent over 48 hours), but some ectopic pregnancies also display this pattern.
  • hCG levels that have plateaued or are rising slowly suggest an ectopic pregnancy.

The pattern of hCG change in normal and abnormal pregnancies and its correlation with ultrasound findings are discussed in detail separately, and summarized below. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy", section on 'Human chorionic gonadotropin'.)

Other hormone assays (eg, progesterone, estrogen, inhibin A, PAPP-A) are less useful.

Differential diagnosis and management — The information gleaned from the above evaluation is used to determine a diagnosis and plan of management. Women with significant first trimester vaginal bleeding (ie, menses-like) should have a red blood cell antibody screen checked. Those who are Rh(D) negative are given anti-D immunoglobulin to protect against Rh(D) isoimmunization, unless the vaginal bleeding is clearly due to a nonplacental, nonfetal source, such as a vaginal laceration. (See "Prevention of Rh(D) alloimmunization".)

Ectopic pregnancy — Women with a history of ectopic pregnancy and early pregnancy bleeding and pain are assumed to have recurrent ectopic pregnancy until this diagnosis has been excluded by laboratory and imaging studies.

In the hands of an experienced ultrasonographer, absence of an intrauterine pregnancy on transvaginal ultrasound examination when the hCG concentration is greater than 1000 to 2000 IU/L (greater than 6000 IU/L for transabdominal ultrasound) strongly suggests ectopic pregnancy (with less experienced sonographers the threshold may be higher, 2000 to 4000 IU/L ). An adnexal mass may or may not be seen. The presence of hemodynamic instability and a tender abdomen suggests the ectopic pregnancy has ruptured.

Diagnosis of intrauterine (viable or nonviable) versus extrauterine pregnancy at hCG concentrations below 1500 IU/L is complicated and discussed in detail separately. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Management of ectopic pregnancy is generally medical (methotrexate therapy) or surgical. (See "Methotrexate treatment of tubal and interstitial ectopic pregnancy" and "Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy and prognosis for subsequent fertility".)

Expectant management can be dangerous for the mother, but may be possible in rare cases. (See "Expectant management of ectopic pregnancy".)

Even if an intrauterine pregnancy is diagnosed, the possibility of heterotopic pregnancy should be kept in mind, even though rare. This is particularly important in women who underwent in vitro fertilization since these patients are at increased risk of this pregnancy complication. (See "Abdominal pregnancy, cesarean scar pregnancy, and heterotopic pregnancy".)

Threatened miscarriage — Uterine bleeding in the presence of a closed cervix and sonographic visualization of an intrauterine pregnancy with detectable fetal cardiac activity is diagnostic of threatened miscarriage. The term "threatened" is used to describe these cases because miscarriage does not always follow uterine bleeding in early pregnancy, even after repeated episodes or large amounts of bleeding. In fact, 90 to 96 percent of pregnancies with both fetal cardiac activity and vaginal bleeding at 7 to 11 weeks of gestation do not miscarry; the higher success rate is associated with bleeding at the later end of the gestational age range [4,5].

Uterine bleeding in these cases is likely due to disruption of decidual vessels at the maternal-fetal interface. These separations generally cannot be visualized by ultrasound, but sometimes appear as a subchorionic hematoma. Management is expectant. The diagnosis and outcome of subchorionic hematoma are discussed in more detail separately. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation", section on 'Findings potentially predictive of pregnancy loss'.)

Inevitable miscarriage — When miscarriage is inevitable, the cervix is dilated, uterine bleeding is increasing, and painful uterine cramps/contractions are present. The gestational tissue often can be felt or seen through the cervical os; passage of this tissue typically occurs within a short time. Management may be expectant, or a medical or surgical intervention to complete the miscarriage can be undertaken. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Spontaneous abortion: Management".)

Complete and incomplete miscarriage


  • Complete miscarriage — When a miscarriage occurs before 12 weeks of gestation, it is common for the entire contents of the uterus to be expelled, thereby resulting in a complete miscarriage. If this has occurred, the uterus is small on physical examination and well contracted with an open or closed cervix, scant vaginal bleeding, and only mild cramping. Ultrasound will reveal an empty uterus and no extrauterine gestation.

A complete miscarriage can be distinguished from an ectopic pregnancy by examining the tissue that was passed to confirm products of conception, by demonstrating falling rather than rising or plateaued hCG levels, and by patient description of diminishing bleeding and pain. No further intervention is needed for complete miscarriage if chorionic villi are identified by pathologic examination of the products of conception. However, if no villi are identified or no specimens are available for pathologic examination, then serum hCG levels should be followed serially until the level is undetectable. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation" and "Spontaneous abortion: Management".)


  • Incomplete miscarriage — After 12 weeks of gestation, the membranes may rupture and the fetus may be passed, but significant amounts of placental tissue can be retained, resulting in an incomplete miscarriage. On examination, the cervical os is open, gestational tissue may be observed in the cervix, and the uterine size is smaller than expected for gestational age, but not well contracted. The amount of bleeding varies, but can be severe enough to cause hypovolemic shock. Painful cramps/contractions are often present. Ultrasound reveals tissue in the uterus. Medical or surgical evacuation is generally performed.

Missed abortion — A missed abortion (also called a delayed miscarriage) refers to in-utero death of the embryo or fetus prior to the 20th week of gestation, with retention of the pregnancy for a prolonged period of time. Women may notice that symptoms associated with early pregnancy (eg, nausea, breast tenderness) have abated and they don't "feel pregnant" anymore. Vaginal bleeding may occur. The cervix usually remains closed. Ultrasound reveals an intrauterine gestational sac with or without a fetal pole, but no fetal cardiac activity. Management may be expectant or a medical or surgical intervention to complete the miscarriage can be undertaken. (See "Spontaneous abortion: Risk factors, etiology, clinical manifestations, and diagnostic evaluation".)

Vanishing twin — The term "vanishing twin" has been used to describe a singleton pregnancy which results from very early loss of one member of a multiple gestation. Vanishing twins are often the product of assisted reproduction techniques and can be associated with vaginal bleeding [6]. (See "Pregnancy outcome after assisted reproductive technology", section on 'Early loss' and "Antepartum issues in management of twin gestations", section on 'Early and late loss'.)

Vaginitis, trauma, cancer, warts, polyps, fibroids — These conditions are diagnosed by visual inspection, with ancillary tests as indicated (eg, wet mount and pH of vaginal discharge, cervical cytology and/or biopsy of mass lesions, ultrasound examination of fibroids).

Management of bleeding related to these conditions depends upon the specific condition. (See individual topic reviews on each subject).

Ectropion — Cervical ectropion (columnar epithelium exposed to the vaginal milieu by eversion of the endocervix) is a common and normal finding in pregnancy. The exposed columnar epithelium is prone to light bleeding when touched, such as during coitus, insertion of a speculum, bimanual examination, or when a cervical specimen is obtained for cytology or culture. Therapy is unnecessary. (See "Congenital cervical anomalies and benign cervical lesions", section on 'Ectropion'.)

Physiologic or implantation bleeding — This is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is characterized by a small amount of spotting or bleeding approximately 10 to 14 days after fertilization (at the time of the missed menstrual period), and is presumed to be related to implantation of the fertilized egg in the decidua (ie, lining of the uterus) [7], although this hypothesis has been questioned [8]. No intervention is indicated.

Prognosis — Studies consistently show an association between first trimester bleeding and adverse outcome (eg, miscarriage, preterm birth, premature rupture of membranes, fetal growth restriction) later in pregnancy [8-18]. The prognosis is best when bleeding is light and limited to early pregnancy, ie, less than 6 weeks of gestation [8,17]. The prognosis worsens when bleeding is heavy or extends into the second trimester [12-16]. These relationships are illustrated by the following examples:


  • In a series of 550 women followed prospectively from the time of their positive pregnancy test, 117 (21 percent) had bleeding prior to 20 weeks of gestation and 67 miscarried (12 percent, or about one-half of those with bleeding) [19]. Fourteen of 18 pregnancies with heavy bleeding (eg, clots) and moderate pain miscarried (78 percent).
  • In one large prospective series in which all subjects had a viable pregnancy at enrollment at 10 to 14 weeks, the frequency of preterm delivery with no, light, or heavy first trimester bleeding was about 6, 9, and 14 percent, respectively, and the frequency of spontaneous loss before 24 weeks of gestation was 0.4, 1, and 2 percent, respectively [12]. Because these subjects were enrolled late in the first trimester and with sonographically confirmed fetal viability, women with very early bleeding and miscarriage had already been excluded.
  • In a third series, vaginal bleeding occurring in more than one trimester was associated with a greater than seven-fold increased risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes (OR 7.4; 95% CI 2.2-25.6) [16].
  • A retrospective registry-based study including over one million women found that, compared to women without bleeding, first trimester bleeding significantly increased the risk of preterm birth at 28 to 31 weeks (0.9 versus 0.3 percent; OR 2.98, 95% CI 2.50-3.54) and at 32 to 36 weeks (6.1 versus 3.6 percent; OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.57-1.77) [18]. First trimester bleeding was also associated with a significant increase in risk of bleeding and preterm birth in the subsequent pregnancy. A history of first trimester bleeding in the first pregnancy increased the incidence of bleeding in the second pregnancy from 2.2 percent to 8.2 percent (OR 4.05; 95% CI 3.78-4.34) and increased the incidence of preterm delivery from 2.7 percent to 4.8 percent (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.67-2.00).

No change in pregnancy management is indicated for women with first trimester bleeding. There are no effective interventions, but women can be reassured of the low likelihood of adverse outcome. In particular, bedrest is unnecessary and will not affect outcome. (See "Risk factors for preterm labor and delivery", section on 'Vaginal bleeding'.)

SECOND AND THIRD TRIMESTER BLEEDING — Vaginal bleeding is less common in the second and third trimesters. The major causes of bleeding at these times are:


  • Bloody show associated with cervical insufficiency or labor
  • Placenta previa
  • Abruptio placenta
  • Uterine rupture
  • Vasa previa

Prior to 20 weeks of gestation

Evaluation — The evaluation of pregnant women with vaginal bleeding prior to 20 weeks is similar to that in the first trimester (see above); however, ectopic pregnancy is less of a concern because over 95 percent of ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube and virtually all tubal ectopic pregnancies will have been diagnosed by this time. Although abdominal, heterotopic, cervical, cornual, and cesarean scar ectopic pregnancies often present at more advanced gestations than tubal ectopics, these types of ectopic pregnancy are rare.

The first step in the evaluation is to determine the extent of bleeding and whether bleeding is accompanied by pain. The presence of only light, intermittent, painless bleeding suggests bloody show from cervical insufficiency, a small marginal placental separation, or a cervical or vaginal lesion (eg, polyp, infection, cancer). Heavier bleeding, particularly when associated with pain, is more consistent with impending miscarriage or a larger placental separation (ie, abruption).

As discussed above, loss of a previously detected fetal heart beat should raise suspicion that fetal demise has occurred, but inability to detect the fetal heart by Doppler is subject to physician error and should always be confirmed by ultrasound examination. On the other hand, Doppler confirmation of fetal cardiac activity is reassuring.

An abdominal examination is performed to assess for pain or other abnormalities and uterine size. At 16 weeks of gestation, the uterine fundus is palpable about midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus, while at 20 weeks it is palpable at about the level of the umbilicus. After the abdominal examination, the patient is placed in the lithotomy position. The external genitalia are examined and then a speculum is inserted into the vagina. As discussed above, physical examination may reveal a nonpregnancy-related source of bleeding, such as cervical ectropion, an abnormal growth, a laceration, or sanguinous-purulent discharge.

Direct visualization of a dilated cervix or fetal membranes may be sufficient to diagnose impending miscarriage if contractions are present, or cervical insufficiency in the absence of contractions.

Transvaginal ultrasonography is also the cornerstone in the evaluation of bleeding in the second trimester. The primary goals are to determine whether the placenta is covering the cervical os (placenta previa), whether there is evidence of decidual hemorrhage causing placental separation (ie, abruptio placenta), and whether the cervix shows signs suggestive of cervical insufficiency (short length, dilated internal os, funneling of the fetal membranes). (See "Prediction of prematurity by transvaginal ultrasound assessment of the cervix" and "Cervical insufficiency".)

Differential diagnosis


Bleeding after 20 weeks of gestation — The term antepartum hemorrhage typically refers to uterine bleeding after 20 weeks of gestation that is unrelated to labor and delivery. Antepartum hemorrhage complicates 4 to 5 percent of pregnancies. The major causes are:


  • Placenta previa (20 percent)
  • Abruptio placenta (30 percent)
  • Uterine rupture (rare)
  • Vasa previa (rare)

In the remaining cases, the exact etiology of the antepartum bleeding cannot be determined and is frequently attributed to marginal separation of the placenta.

Evaluation — In contrast to bleeding in the first half of pregnancy, digital examination of the cervix SHOULD BE AVOIDED in women presenting with bleeding in the second half of pregnancy until placenta previa has been excluded. Digital examination of a placenta previa can cause immediate, severe hemorrhage.

Differential diagnosis


  • Placenta previa — Placenta previa should be suspected in any woman who presents with vaginal bleeding in the second half of pregnancy. Classically, the absence of abdominal pain and uterine contractions was considered the clinical feature that distinguished between placenta previa and abruptio placenta, which is the other major cause of vaginal bleeding at this time. However, some women with placenta previa have uterine contractions in addition to bleeding; thus, the diagnosis of placenta previa must be determined by sonographic examination. (See "Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of placenta previa".)
  • Abruptio placenta — Abruptio placenta refers to premature separation of a normally implanted placenta prior to delivery of the infant. The most common risk factors include prior placental abruption, trauma, smoking, cocaine use, hypertension, and preterm premature rupture of the membranes.

Clinically, placental abruption typically presents with vaginal bleeding (80 percent), uterine tenderness (70 percent), and uterine contractions (35 percent), with or without nonreassuring fetal testing. Uterine tenderness is caused by extravasation of blood into the myometrium (called a Couvelaire uterus when the blood penetrates all the way through the myometrium to the peritoneal cavity). The amount of vaginal bleeding may not be a reliable indicator of the severity of the hemorrhage since bleeding may be concealed (retained in the uterine cavity). Ultrasound may show placental separation, but this is uncommon (only 2 percent of abruptions can be visualized on ultrasound); the major purpose of ultrasound examination is to exclude placenta previa. Abruption ranges from mild to severe (life threatening) and may be acute or chronic. (See "Clinical features and diagnosis of placental abruption".)

The possibility of abruption should always be considered in women who are being evaluated for trauma (eg, motor vehicle crash, fall, domestic violence). (See "Trauma in pregnancy", section on 'Abruptio placentae'.)


Prognosis — As with first trimester bleeding, episodes of second and third trimester bleeding are also associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, primarily preterm birth [20-22]. (See "Risk factors for preterm labor and delivery", section on 'Vaginal bleeding'.)

The risk of adverse outcome appears to depend on the degree of bleeding (worse outcome with heavier bleeding) and the cause (worse outcome with bleeding from nonprevia source) [23].

MANAGEMENT — The management of pregnant women with vaginal bleeding depends on the numerous factors, including the gestational age, the cause of bleeding, the severity of bleeding, and fetal status. Management is discussed in the individual topic reviews on the specific causes of vaginal bleeding.



  • The clinician typically makes a provisional clinical diagnosis of the cause of vaginal bleeding based upon the patient's gestational age and the character of her bleeding (light or heavy, associated with pain or painless, intermittent or constant). Laboratory and imaging tests are then used to confirm or revise the initial diagnosis. (See 'Introduction' above.)
  • The four major causes of bleeding in early pregnancy are: ectopic pregnancy; threatened or impending miscarriage; physiologic (ie, related to implantation of the pregnancy), and cervical, vaginal, or uterine pathology. Transvaginal ultrasonography is the cornerstone of the evaluation of bleeding in early pregnancy. (See 'First trimester bleeding' above.)
  • An important goal in the evaluation of women with bleeding in early pregnancy is to exclude the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, since ruptured ectopic pregnancies can result in severe hemorrhage and death. (See 'Ectopic pregnancy' above.)
  • The major causes of bleeding in the second and third trimesters are: bloody show associated with cervical insufficiency or labor; placenta previa; abruptio placenta; and rarely uterine rupture or vasa previa. (See 'Second and third trimester bleeding' above.)
  • Digital examination of the cervix should be avoided in women presenting with bleeding in the second half of pregnancy until placenta previa has been excluded because digital examination of a placenta previa can cause immediate, severe hemorrhage. (See 'Bleeding after 20 weeks of gestation' above.)
  • For women with uterine bleeding who are Rh(D)-negative, we recommend anti-D immune globulin to protect against Rh(D) alloimmunization (Grade 1B). (See "Prevention of Rh(D) alloimmunization".)

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Chorionic villi


One method of distinguishing placenta from organized clot is to rinse with water and then float the tissue in a dish of water, preferably with a good light source underneath. Villi have a frond-like appearance, which has been described as similar to seaweed floating in the ocean Courtesy of Errol R Norwitz, MD, PhD.



Chorionic villi2


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